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    Welcome To

    Kings Clipstone Parish Council

    Welcome to the official web pages of the Parish Council. These provide an online record of Parish Council activities, projects and meetings together with contact details for Parish Councillors and the Parish Clerk.

    Kings Clipstone is recorded in the Doomsday book as Clipstone. It was Edward I who bestowed the Kingly part of its name after Parliament was held at the Palace in 1290.

    The Clipstone Lordship was originally a separate area of Edwinstowe Parish. It became a parish in its own right after the development in the 1920s of Clipstone Village(New Clipstone) to house miners for the new pit. In April 2011 two new parishes were created with the more rural parts of the parish forming the new Kings Clipstone Council.

    Kings Clipstone Parish Map

    Kings Clipstone

    Latest Updates

    All the latest news, events, meetings and agendas from Kings Clipstone Parish Council.

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